0. Einleitung
Stand: 08.09.2008
Dieses FAQ wurde im Original von N.N. (Sockii) Pelligrini auf Englisch verfasst. Ich habe mir mit der Erlaubnis der Seite A-Team Headquarters, welche das FAQ momentan pflegt, die Arbeit gemacht das komplette FAQ zu übersetzen und gegebenenfalls zu ergänzen, da die mir vorliegende Version vom 20.03.1999 ist.
Zitat von Sockii in ihrer Originalfassung:
A-Team fandom has made a big comeback in the past few years, thanks to the internet, thanks to stations like fX in the US and Bravo in the UK rebroadcasting the show after years of absense on the airwaves, and thanks no doubt to a sudden wave of 80s nostalgia. Ever since putting together an A-Team web page, somewhere about 2 or 3 years ago now, I've seen the same questions asked again and again, so this FAQ has grown out of those questions--with the help of many other fans who have provided information and references.
Besides the obvious questions and information, it's tricky figuring out exactly what needs to be included in a document such as this: what information fits and what doesn't. Where thoroughly-detailed lists and databases already exist and are readily available (such as an episode guide, acting credits, etc. - ), I have only provided an outline of that material here; it is up to the reader to research these areas through other avenues as necessary, follow the links provided...otherwise this document would be 3 times as huge as it already is!
Kommentare, Vorschläge, Informationen, Ergänzungen und neue Fragen sind immer erwünscht! Bitte schickt mir einfach eine eMail an webmaster@ateamresource.de.
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